
Division of Real Estate offers Consumers Five Ways to Fight Foreclosure Fraud

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah - October 27, 2008 - (RealEstateRama) — Mark Steinagel, Director of the Utah Division of Real Estate, announced today that...

Energy-efficient housing saves home owners more money than previously thought

Salt Lake City, UT - August 27, 2008 - (RealEstateRama) — Affordable housing built to ENERGY STAR standards saves homeowners more money than previously thought, a new state study shows.

Utah Housing Officials Promote Home Buyer Education

Salt Lake City, Utah – Concerned about rising foreclosures, the Utah Division of Housing & Community Development is partnering with non-profit groups to improve...

Senate Committee Backs Bennett Homeland Security Requests

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Senate Appropriations Committee today approved Senator Bob Bennett's (R-Utah) $3 million request for cyber security research that will be conducted...

Study Gives Shurtleff an “A” for Fighting Mortgage Fraud

A group that is fighting the country's foreclosure crisis is giving Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff an "A" for his efforts to help homeowners....

2008 Homeless Count: Fewer chronically homeless, more families

Salt Lake City, Utah - The number of chronically homeless on Utah’s streets has dropped 15 percent, despite growth in overall homelessness, according to the latest headcount.

Board approves $1 million for housing on Navajo Reservation

Salt Lake City, Utah - The Utah Navajo Revitalization Fund board Monday approved $997,220 in grants and loans for housing and other improvements benefitting...

Hershey Company Announces New Facility in Ogden

Feb 21, 2008 - The Hershey Company, North America's largest manufacturer of quality chocolate and sugar confectionery products, announced today that it would accept...

Utah to get $3.7 million to help low-income families pay energy bills

Salt Lake City, Utah - Utah is flush with funds to help low-income families pay their energy bills.  U.S. Department of Health and Human...

HUD announces grant funding for Affordable Housing and Community Development in St. George

HUD to support a variety of local development programs SALT LAKE CITY, September 19, 2007 - U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson today announced St. George, Utah will receive $485,432 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to promote a variety of community development programs.


Reps. Stewart & Frankel Call for Oversight of Unregulated Sober Homes

Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) and Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL) have sent a bipartisan letter to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), Congress’ investigative arm, requesting a review of federal and state oversight of sober homes


The Exchange

KTGY Chosen to Design Mixed-Use Development in Downtown Salt Lake City,...

The innovative project looks to transform this downtown district through the infusion of a diverse set of programs that will provide activated street frontages and a variety of housing typologies at all levels of affordability.